Ok, so I didn't go quite as long as I thought, but I still went a long time. When I last posted Patrick was not even one yet, he is now 19 months and well he is going to be a big brother and Jacob a big big brother :). In between the boy's birthdays, the same week we found out Alex is promoting to Major we also found out that we are expecting our third child. Like the other two this one was only in God's timing, which is the best timing we have come to realize even with the first two 6 years apart. God def knows what is best. In June we found out that God also made me to be the mom of boys, being the sports nut that I am and the fact that I have a 7 year old jock and a 19 month old who hoots and hollars when he sees baseball or football on tv and loves to throw balls around the house (even ones that shouldn't be) it seems to fit :) Still would love my little girl, but my girly girl side prob wouldn't be passed down anyway. My brother did have a girl, they found out they were having a girl that same week. She was born this past Aug. Saddly, he missed her birth by three weeks because he got deployed to Iraq again. He should be home in Jan according to my sister-in-law. I can't wait til he is back on American soil.
The pregnancy has been pretty ineventful, I was very tired the first trimester so Jacob was homeschooled from bed a lot, that house exploded, and did not really get unpacked for a while, it was really bad. But I think I made up for it in the third, I have been cleaning, organizing and decorating like a mad woman, and I am loving it. Alex says it is my ocd ;-) I almost have the boy's bathroom decorated and organized like I would love to have a whole house!! Out bath and room is next. I know we will move before I get it all done, but am enjoying the process, just hope to get the boys' rooms done too.
Over the summer we decided to give the local school a chance. Jacob is happy there, but is also bored. They do have gifted programs, but it is combined with language arts, which is his weak subject. So he is stuck doing 2nd grade math again. I am trying to supplement him with Saxon 3 at home. We we behind in it, but I figure we have holidays and what not to catch up and even the summer, since it is on our time. he is actually bored with that too since it is in the review part. So sometimes I feel bad that we are behind, i want to get to where he can be challanged and sometimes wonder if we should be doing Saxon 4. We got his report card yesterday and he had all As and 2 Bs (reading and laguage development). I have also signed him up for explode the code, it is a homeschool language arts program. We knew he wasn't as strong in that area, and he enjoys it, it is all online and after an hour of work he gets "fun" time to games. He did take a placement test just before school started and got 99% in math (we were not surprised) and 85% in language arts (we were surprised, we though he was weaker than that).
Jacob is still doing gymnastics, his first meet is in about a month. He is very excited. he is also playing soccer right now, and even though he is one of the youngest on his team, he is one of the players that they want the ball to go to (I told you I had a jock).
Two of Jacob's other activities are Scouts and Sunday School. I stepped up to be his den leader and am actually really enjoying it, though he is the msost hyper there, am told that is standard when mom is in charge. He is also working towards his First Communion this coming May. I just found a church less than a mile from our house. We live in an older neighborhood and the churches are back in the neighborhood. It is kind of nice to be so close.
Patrick is an independant little ocd child of mine :) He loves to "make" his oatmeal every morning and has to be carried to put his bowl in the sink, if he could reach he would walk there on his own. He is also a total mama's boy, he loves his daddy, loves seeing pics of him and playing with him, but hates for mommy to leave. We are worried about how he will handle his new little brother. One, me being gone and two him having to share me. he has gotten a little better about letting me touch Alex or Jacob. He does not want to share me with anyone.
Back in August he had to have minor surgery, he did fine, though he was extra crabby and clingy that day which can be expected. He has all of his teeth now, though some are just coming through, am glad to be done with that part, though in about 6 months the whole process will start over with little brother.
Speaking of little brother. he is due 3 nov. He was breach for a bit, so I got to have an extra ultra sound (my boys must get their love of having their pics taken from me ;-) ). He seems to have centered himself, but no real contractions yet. I figured he would be coming this week (38) and he still may, but my mom arrives Thurs afternoon and she was there for the first two, so would really like it if she could be there for him too. We shall see what his and God's timing is. The familly needs to finish getting better. This past week my fam all came down with the flu. I may have been starting to get it, but once one was diagnosed I went on tamiflu to be safe since it is more dangerous for expectant moms. I did wake we an ear infection Thurs though. had had one two weeks before and they put me on amoxacilian, which just like panacilian does not work with me. Am on the z-pack now and other than my ears clogging easily i felt better quite quickly. I have never had an ear infection before these ones (I think it was the same one, just subdued for some time), wow do they hurt!! I told my mom I just want an epidural in my ear. baby wise I feel fine and other than wanting to hold my little man (who looks just like his brother from his ulatra sound) I feel perfectly fine.
Well, I guess that is it for now, will try and do better on updating and have seen people who post projects of the week, so hope to do that too. My list this week if not in the hospital is to put button holes in the shower curtain I made for the boy's bathroom. make a window valance. complete Patrick's last monkey artwork for their bathroom. And maybe make robert's boppy pillow. Also need to finish the album I am making for my brother and work on some stockings for my mom. those I can actually do in the hospital, maybe I should pack them in my suit case ;-)
Oh and in case you are wondering, the baby's name will be Robert Allen, after our dad's, it is their middle names.
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