Saturday, June 25, 2011

Got to craft will post pictures later - Deployment projects #6 and #7

Jacob and I did some crafting together and i did a project on my own. He and I made a model of an old Egyptian boat for his history work. It turned out real cute.

When I went to get the items that were missing for his boat, I also picked up some stuff to make a patriotic wreath for my parents. It is similar to my spring one, but is red, white, and blue Daisy's with an American Flag in the center.

Can't wait to get home, cuddle with my kitty, enjoy my milk, eggs, and produce created as God intended and craft :) Go home tomorrow :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Found mypatriotic wreath idea!!

I saw it on etsy!! It is similar to my St Patrick's Day one, you would think that I would have already decided this. But up until today I didn't want another rag wreath. Then I was just looking at AF things on Etsy and saw a rag wreath made of ABU (uniform) material. I LOVED!!!! it!!!!!! But knowing I can make it I am not willing to pay $45. I am going to make it with BDU fabric instead since my husband still wears all his abu uniforms and I did get some blue AF fabric, and red with gold stars to embelish it. I also got a Freedon sign like my Irish sign. I can't wait to get home on Sun (maybe Mon, we have a late flight) and make it to have up just in time for the 4th. I had actually wanted a wreath for Memorial Day, but amglad I waited. this one will be up through Patriat Day (9-11) or longer, depending on when I get my Halloween one done...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

T-shirt reuses

I know there are a bunch more ideas, but the following are ones that I would like to do and we have quite the stack at my house. Am actually bummed I already cut some down way too small for these ideas!! Any ideas for others would be greatly appreciated.

My first is a t-shirt quilt, that is what I had originally planned to do with them all!! I know I will make one of my oldest's gymnastics shirts when we move as a memory quilt and may make a USAFA one for my hubby if we have enough.

I have also seen cloth diaper patterns
reuseable grocery bags
and shirt skirts

Would love other ideas oh and you should see the stack of jeans, have made jean purses and plan a quilt there too, but not sure what else...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Some sneak peaks

Since I am in CO and can't work on any of my crafts I am going to post some sneak peaks of items I plan to finish or start (and finsh, need ritallin for craft ADD). Some the links are at home, so just going to list :)

felt heart wreath in a light blue
billy book case from IKEA
curtains in either white or cream (would love your input, trim is cream, but I love the look of white)

Patrick' and Robert's room
A Mickey Mouse wreath
Finally finish their bedding and curtains

Jacob's room
His entire sports bedding
Hang his gymnastics hooks for his medals
Organize better in there.

Living Room
recover two dining room table chairs ( for some reason it won't let me highlight the last line)
curtains, again in white or cream (going with an Irish theme, room is dark green, so leaning towards white, because I prefer how it looks and that is the color in the Irish flag, but again, the trim is cream.)

thank you gifts for all the friends that have helped me out so far
boys' baby books, trying to decide do I get them all caught up to robert's age, and then the older two to Patrick's age and then work on Jacob's until it is caught up or just work on one kid at a time (mom guilt prob won't let that happen). Also need to just scrap some family albums :)
Am also in search of a wreath idea that really captures me for a patriotic wreath, I had wanted to have it done for Memorial Day and now I am not even sure if I will have one for Independance Day!! I do plan for it to stay up until at least 9-11

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Deployment Challenge

I saw a link to a blog that has inspired me and I am hoping to also make the last 9 months of my hubbies deployment easier to handle!! Paige over at Faith's Page set a challange to do 100 projects during her husband's 14 month deloyment. Her hubby will be home soon :) Well, we are only 1/4 of the way through with ours. I did craft and organize/decorate a lot when he first left. But now I am just trying to tread water with keeping the house semi clean. I am so overwhelmed by it that I feel guilty doing anything else!! Even if it is something for the house of my boys, and I know that the process of doing those crafty things will help my mood and my sanity. So, thanks to Paige, I am challanging myself to get 100 projects done too. Starting back with my St Pat's wreath, that I completed the day he left. I will renumber those projects and post some others I have recently done and try and do better at posting the ones I am going to do. My goals include, organizing/cleaning, decorating, gifts, and scrapbooking :)